Hello, Happy Memorial Day!!!!!!!!!! For today, I would like to think of it as a Happy and sad day; because all people in the war that died are remembered and I would hate to go to the graveyard and look for the dead friend, sibling, dad, mom, etc. For the happy part of the day is that we have NO school!!! but that's not the point.
8th graders have less than week of school left and two of those days are promotion practices - which I think is absolutely pointless. All we're going to be doing is stand up, sit down and walk hen our name is called. We're eighth graders! I THINK we now how to do that..... and if we don't, then that is very, very, very sad.
Now, to my favorite part, I'm going to be talking about New Moon movie as you see some where around here, there is a picture of Edward( *sigh*) and that pipe - I mean Bella (*Pipe smoker*) about to kiss, I feel bad for Rob........ but there is about 180 more days until the movie comes out!!!!!!!!!!
OMEC I had a complete Twilight moment in History class. Well, my class (Mrs. Bowen) and Mrs. Cadewell's class were combining for a debate for the Americans dropping the bomb on Japan. I was partnered with a guy named **** (I'm not using names) and when I got there he started to stare at me and wouldn't stop! Throughout the WHOLE ENTIRE PERIOD IT WAS ENDLESS STARING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! not a good experience. Now if I was telling Anna this, she would be laughing her head off. I hope she doesn't read this, but it kinda hurts my feelings when she does that, but i don't let her know that, I try to suffer in silence, but it's kind off hard but easy at the same time
That's all for now
~Allanah the Edward Freak~