Tuesday, June 9, 2009

June 9th

Hello, today is Robert's 6th Birthday!!!!! I am totally excited for him. Anyway, I have to confess about something.... As of last week..... I decided that I absolutely hate Robert Pattinson. I read in "People" Magazine that Rob was currently sleeping with Niki Reed then started to flirt with other girls right in front of her. When I first read that, the first thing that popped into my mind was betrayal. I know he knows that I do not exist, but I feel like..... words can not explain what I feel about him now. This may sound weird but I was seriously in love with him and then he does that and I'm surprised that I didn't break down in the middle of class (I read this on the last day of school) all I did was growl in anger.

I hate him. When I still loved him, when ever someone said his name, you'd see me with a wide smile but now, if you said "Robert Pattinson" I would frown and this rob thing is effecting my team Edwardness. I hate him for that. I'll hate him forever and ever. If you read this and you aren't me, well I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't laugh or make fun of me, then it'll only hurt worse.
I think of this as a virtual diary #2. 
Well, I've got to go and help with party
~Allanah the Edward freak!