On to the next subject. Swine Flu. It's getting pretty nasty. It hit Reno recently on a little two year old. It's driving me NUTS every single time a friend is sick I start freaking because they might possibly have the SWINE FLU!!!!! STOP THE MADNESS! ................ you know what I think? I say............ KILL THE PIGS! DOWN WITH THE PIGS AND SWINES! KILL THEM ALL!!!!!!!!!!! IF THEY ARE GOING TO KILL US, WE SHOULD KILL THEM!!!! Um......... sorry......... that was......... a little........... insensitive of me. I'm just freaking out about the swine flu and the deaths.
I have less than a month left of school left! and my Birthday is on the 13th of June. I'll be 14 and a MIA maid! I would deeply appreciate it if you people reading this PLEASE BE A FOLLOWER!!! AS YOU CAN SEE, I DON'T VERY MANY PEOPLE FOLLOWING ME! DO I HAVE TO GET CANCER FOR YOU TO FOLLOW ME! Um sorry about the yelling caps. it's look, I don't have any followers and that's pretty much the whole reason I did this.
That's all for now, bye
4 ever here,
Allanah the Edward freak.
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