Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sickness at school, the swine flu and WAYS TO GET SMARTER!!!!!!!

Hey everyone, it's me - obviously. I just want to start out by saying HAPPY SUNDAY!?!?!?!?!?!?! I will be talking about the sickness, ways to get smarter and Swine flu that's been going on for like........ ever. 
I got sick on Monday last week and I could barely talk and I was coughing like there was no tomorrow. So on Friday I finally gave up and went home during choir it lasted till Saturday. I was MISERABLE I wasn't able to sing for a week!! That was the worst PART not being able to sing for a week!!! A WHOLE 7 DAYS! It was stupid then I could barely sing on Sunday. I couldn't start singing till Monday then my choir teacher (Mrs. Bum) wasn't there so I didn't get to sing in choir, she didn't come back till like Wednesday and we STILL didn't sing but I'm pretty sure we're going to sing this week though. 
Next is the SWINE FLU!!!! Well, I don't know how many people know this, but Anna Austin one of my BEST FRIENDS got the SWINE FLU! I was really scared at first but then after the first day I was fine and I convinced myself that she was strong enough to fight it off and plus it's only a REAL danger to Little kids and OLD people. Anna came to church on Sunday so I attacked her with all the strength I had (which isn't very much). I told a lot of things I'm not going to tell you now and just fro the record, If you're getting bored with this I kinda already warned you. It says this right under the MORMON GIRL thing and I quote, "This is my pathetic boring life..... ENJOY" and if that isn't warning enough of a warning then I don't know what is.
Next is WAYS TO GET SMARTER! Okay this is no joke when I say That this thing called "Super Brain Yoga" will make you smarter. I've tried it and I have an "A" in math and that NEVER happens. All you do is stand south, put your tongue on the pallet (the roof of your mouth) and put your left hand on your right ear and pinch it and do the same with the right hand to the left ear put you HAVE to do it in THAT order or it won't work then you squat 14 times. This method is used for kids who have ADHD and/or Autism but it works for anybody I've done and I don't have either of this. I'll go over the steps with you once more.
1. Stand South (doesn't matter where you are just stand South)

2. Put your tongue on the roof of your mouth.

3. Pinch your right ear with your left hand

4. Pinch your left ear with your right hand.

5. squat while taking deep breathes inhaling goes while going down and exhaling while going up. 

6. Squat 14 times and if you see no improvement them do more squats if you need to more squats, do 20. If you do to much, then you'll know if you're getting rashes. 
I've never got any rashes yet but the super brain yoga is supposed to help you concentrate and it helps your memory.
This is really easy to do. Thanks for reading if you did read which I hardly doubt. BYE!
~Allanah the Mormon Girl!

1 comment:

  1. That is too bad your friend got the swine flu!!! I did not know you had a blog!!! Yeah! I'll be tracking you now, ha ha. That is awesome you are getting an A in math! Go Lanah!
