Sunday, October 4, 2009

The week.

Well this week was pretty normal but every week is normal. oh well. I went to school and it was interesting mostly because I have a hypocrite math teacher. He's a hypocrite because he keeps telling us to not cuss in his class but then like a few minutes later or the very next day he'll start to cuss. Either he has a horrible memory or he's a hypocrite.  Mr. Ovard, my science teacher, is really making me angry. I don't like his class mostly because of the subject. Integrated Science, it's "math science" like speed = distance over time and area things I am not good at.  I had a dream one night that.   was talking really rudely towards Mormons and he was making so angry and I stood up and muttered under my breath "I hate science" an he's all "What'd you say Mormon Girl?" I glared at him and said in a little louder voice, "I hate, loathe, detest, despise and any other word that means hate I hate your science class!" and he was just looking at me and said, "Is that all?" 
"No." I growled. "And I am so sick at the way your disrespecting  Mormons! There are two Mormons in your class and you're just blabbing about rotten untrue things about us! I'm sorry you didn't get it when you were a member, but that does NOT give you any right to talk like that in front of me! So do what you're paid to do, teach us about your crappy science and SHUT UP ABOUT MORMONS UNLESS YOU KNOW THE TRUTH ABOUT US!" I was yelling obviously. Then I woke up surprised at myself. I'd never yell at my teachers unless they were dissing my religion. 
On Friday my Drama friend Courtney, forced eye liner on my face and I say she did a pretty good job it was a little too thick; but I got a lot a comments from my friends that it "looked good on me" Shannon Biddlecome was the only honest one she said there was too much and I agreed but the only thing we didn't agree on was it looked good on me. I thought it was okay but I don't I'll ever again. It didn't look like me, I the girl that doesn't wear makeup like ever only when it's  special occasion.
Yesterday I didn't listen or watch conference, I stayed with my siblings and played with them so my parents could watch it, mom takes notes so I'll  read here notes and try to get what they were talking about. Then after both sessions I went over to Shannon's house then we went to her friend Rosie's house to try to do the dance moves to "What Did I Do To Your Heart" by none other than my favorite band in the world the Jonas Brothers! Then we made a spoof to the Nick J show on youtube and it was hilarious. Then we did a scene from Eclipse we couldn't talk, we could only act it was funny. I was Bella, Rosie was Jacob and Shannon was Edward and we did the scene where Bella broke her hand punching Jacob and it was really funny.
Well that's what happened this week
P.s I'd like to thank Shannon for following me on blogger!
~Allanah the Mormon Girl <3>


  1. Hahaha!!! FUN TIMES!!! Thank you sooo much for coming down I had a BLAST!!! You are litterally my best friend! You rock my socks off, and I really REALLY enjoy hanging around you! We will have to get together next weekend and practice some more dance moves!!

    P.S. You are welcome!!!! =D
